Lincoln Park/Lakeview Dogwalkers
 Call us: 847-274-2017
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About Lincoln Park/Lakeview Dogwalkers
Ever since I can remember, I knew I wanted to work with animals.  Having been a pet owner myself I saw  firsthand the many rewards animal companionship can bring to a person's life.  In 1995 when two dog walking businesses became available for purchase I jumped at the chance to merge both into one and that's how Lincoln Park/Lakeview Dogwalkers was born.  Every new client has a meet and greet session in the home.  
I will gather all important information needed to give your pet the best care with a personal touch.  I also explain my proceedures and policies, obtain keys and alarm codes and answer all your questions. 

All my employees are personally trained by me to provide excellent service while meeting all of your pet's needs.  Usually the same dog walker cares for your pet daily.  After the walk we make sure there is fresh water and give your dog a healthy treat.   We also leave a note to keep you informed of your dog's daily progress.  We use positive reinforcement to discipline the dogs.  We never hit, spank or yell at your pet.  We also help in the care and training of puppies, discuss nutritional needs and recommend acceptable brands of dog food.  Upon request we administer medications,  pick up and drop off to and from the groomer, daycare or the vet and purchase dog food and treats when running low.  Extra service for clients:  for a small fee we will pick up your mail and water your plants when out of town (does not include house sitting service).

​Going on vacation or away on business?  I offer in-home pet sitting.  Either me or one of my competent dog walkers will stay in your home overnight.  This allows your pet to remain in the comfort of their own home  and allow them to maintain a regular routine which will help minimize stress.   This will also give you peace of mind knowing your pet and home will be well cared for.  You need not be a daily walk client to request in-home pet sitting.